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Work of Father Edwin Abanga, Bolgatanga, Ghana

Father Edwin Abanga is an Anglican priest who works in Bolgatanga, a town in the poor northern part of Ghana. He works among the poor, helping where the need is greatest. Deprived children are provided with food, medicine, clothing and shelter, and the dispossessed, who are too weak to work, are given handouts vital for survival.

Work of Father Edwin Abanga
Women farmers with goats donated through Caring and Sharing

Malaria is a serious problem in Bolgatanga, so Father Edwin supplies mothers and babies with treated bed nets. The families are chosen because they are too poor to be able to buy a net themselves at a cost of about £5. Most people are unable to pay the health insurance premiums, so a small group were helped with these so that they had free medical care for a year.

Women bear heavy workloads and are responsible for over half of the agricultural production of the area. They are likely to be less educated than the men and have no voice in decisions affecting their lives,so our money has been used to buy women farmers small animals such as goats to replace flocks lost in floods.

The life of widows is especially hard. Deprived school children have been assisted with learning materials and fees, ensuring that they remain in school and inspiring new dreams! (helping to keep them off the streets; thereby increasing their life chances and opportunities through education).

Walking hand-in hand, and working towards empowering widows has helped  widows to live independent and dignified lives, and enhanced positive community attitudes towards widows and orphans.

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